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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Old Standard Wood Web Promo

Old Standard Wood Web Promo 2011 from Digital Headquarters on Vimeo.

I'm very excited about this latest web promo produced for Old Standard Wood of Fulton, MO. We did a relatively lengthy shoot over several days time throughout last year, and numerous videos are going to come out of the footage. This is the first finished promo from the shoot and features some exciting camerawork that I'm really proud of. As you watch the promo, notice the "floating camera" effect that is utilized in many of the shots. To achieve this look, we utilized the large Caterpillar Telehandler that you see moving logs in the video. The machine has very sophisticated hydraulics and a boom arm that extends up to 30 feet in the air! Needless to say, I was perched on the end of the arm, way up in the air, camera rolling, and loving every minute of it! I'm very proud of how this promo came out, and look for several other videos from the same session in the coming weeks.