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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Magic of Cinema

This clip was dug out of my Mini DV vaults recently, and I couldn't resist posting it. It goes all the way back to the very early days of my video production education....circa about 2003. (I believe it was shot when I was a junior here at MU in the Communications Department). Anyway, the assignment was simple: shoot 30 seconds of anything, completely unedited. Still undecided on what to shoot, I was killing time at the local record store and stumbled upon this gem in the one dollar bin. Obviously I knew I had to have it, so one dollar later, I was the proud owner. In a flash of inspiration, I rushed back to my apartment, and my guerrilla video was complete. The planets aligned just right and this magical piece of cinema was created. Move over, Godard....there's a new kid in town! Ladies and gentleman, I give you: The Real Vincent Vega...

Well, that was enlightening wasn't it? To finish the story, the professor was not nearly as pleased with the video as I was. I think I ended up with a B...but the memories more than made up for the lower grade. Anyway, thought everyone might get a laugh out of the short. Stay tuned to the blog for some more serious video updates soon. I've got some recently finished wedding videos and some new event video projects on the horizon, so good things are happening at Digital Headquarters! Until next time...
